6000 steps
for you my love
the one who put a spell on me
of which I never wished to wake
because my heart loved only thee

for you my heart
amidst the heavens
we would live
away from eyes that could not see
the love that you bestowed on me

for you my soul
the one whose smile
has shined my life
throughout the years
with love and laughter
of which i sought forever after

for you my life
inside a cave
that sheltered us
not knowing well
what was in store -
but knowing well
our love would soar

for you my love,
my life,
my heart,
my very soul -
I've left you now
was not my wish,
but know that though my body's gone
my spirit lingers in the mist
climbing each day 6000 steps
towards the heart that bewitched me.
Over 50 years ago in China, a 19 year old young man fell in love with a 29 year old widower. At the time, this was considered unacceptable and immoral. To escape the language and looks of criticism and judgment, the couple eloped and moved far away from hearts that did not understand into a cave up in the mountains. They struggled much in that first year with no electricity or food, resorting to eating grass and roots found in the area to survive. The second year, the husband, Liu, began to carve steps on the side of the mountain for his wife so that she could have the convenience of getting up and down the mountain easily. It was an act of love that took him 50+ years to carve. At the age of 72, Liu passed away in his wife's arms. The wife, Xu, was inconsolable. In 2006, their love story became one of the top 10 love stories in China and the ladder has been preserved as a testament to their love. You can access the complete story here.
Quite beautiful!
This brought tears to my eyes. It is beautiful in concept and execution; it is also well served by the photos.
..a call to beauty..thank u..
Beautiful words and lovely pictures
This is true love. Thanks for this.
Liberate yourself
Oh my God, how unbelievably touching. What a beautiful, beautiful poem and back story.
This is such a beautiful story, and proof of love's endurance. Very well done post..thank you for sharing :)
Wow! If anyone wants to know the true meaning of the term, "soul mate," Liu and Xu are it. That level of commitment is quite breathtaking. Your blog is something - Thank you!
their love story is quite beautiful indeed. thank you for visiting.
hi phyllis,
the photos were what enabled me to put this together. how can you not feel the love and commitment exuding from those happy faces? a beautiful story indeed.
a call to beauty ... ah, yes! and thank you.
hi keith,
thank you.
hi guatami,
we have to share stories of true love whenever we find them, don't you think? it gives many hopes and it just lifts the soul. we'll stop by to visit you this week.
hi holly,
this couple does touch one's soul. thank you for your kind words.
hello miss t,
oh, it is a beautiful story. the moment i read it, i knew i had to share. beautiful and uplifting stories are good for the soul.
hi fe,
that is some level of commitment all right. to endure so many hardships as they most have endured living on the mountain with no electricity and living off the land, is something all right. yet, a true testament that true love trumps all.
and thank you for kind comment,
Wow. So inspiring to know a love like theirs exists. Truly touching...
how absolutely amazing.. thank you so much for sharing this with me,,, i am off to view the link....
in addition, i just want to let you know i am posting my new poetry on justpaisley.... now, and i sure would love it if you came over and had a look....
hi jaime,
welcome! yes, a love story that truly inspires the soul! thank you for visiting.
hi paiz,
isn't the story touching? i'll be over this week to visit.
love in its purest form - unconditional and everlasting - thank you for sharing this - it certainly off sets the lack of love and fidelity that abounds in our world today --- beautiful post!!!
Beautiful, indeed! Thanks for sharing this post!
I sometimes think we have psychoanalyzed love out of our relationships. What is considered co-dependent or clingy by today's standards was considered a deep and abiding love not so many years ago.
I think we are cheating ourselves a bit.
Thank you for the beautiful poem and beautiful and touching story!
I'm glad there's always a special kind of love like that out there. :)
Thank you so much for sharing the story! I'm definitely going to bookmark it and keep it! :)
Touching, and a reminder that we could all do more to show our appreciation of loved ones.
Goodness me, that is a beautiful poem and a powerful story. Thank you.
Wow that's one of the most amazing love stories and how beautufully you put it into words. Thanks
hi danni,
yes, you're right, love in its purest form is unconditional. it could not be said better. thank you.
hi tumblewords,
their love story is just divine and unique. once i came upon it, i could not NOT share....
Touching and lovely take on the post! Thanks for sharing these thoughts! Well done!
hi white rose,
you know, you hit the nail on the head. i also think that our expectations have become unattainable. we expect a perfect mate, love, sex, house, job, economic standing, etc. granted, there are a couple of things which i believe to be deal breakers, but aside from that, we cheat ourselves when we give up too easily and are always in search of the "perfect" mate.
hi ambiguity,
there are many special kinds of love...i guess we just don't hear enough about it. but this one was exceptionally special.
hi stan,
how true dear sir, how true....
hi sandy,
thank you. and thank you for visiting. glad you enjoyed the story.
hi marja,
the words came easy because the story was such an inspiration. they were an amazing couple and they remind us that we should all have it in us to have that level of love and commitment.
hi ratana,
thank you. i'm glad you enjoyed the story.
this was wonderful..and such an interesting take on the prompt "do I have to'..there are times when one does not remotely even think about this :)
And the way you write your poem is just brilliant.
Especially like the last 3 sentences, those words could move mountains, Rebecca.
hi rambler,
well, i had written the piece and then when i looked at the SS prompt, i thought it apropos. the husband "did not have to" do this, as there could have been other ways to get down the mountain, yet he felt "he had to" simply because he loved her so and was thinking on how to make life easier for her. what an incredible act of love.
hi mother hen,
their love story is indeed beautiful. and thank you so much for those kind words. i happen to like those last 3 sentences best myself.. :)
I would like to say "only in China" but I know that this kind of love exists even today among us!!
What a beautiful story. Stories like this are truly inspiring.
Yep. That's love and devotion in just 6,000 easy steps...
Beautiful story!
Love is a powerful thing. Love is worth it. Love is awesome!
thank you for sharing rebecca... such a selfless act of love... what an unbelieveable blessing.. love, it is possible...
hi barbara,
love knows no geographic boundaries.... yes, i agree, it does exist even today, as it will always....
aahhhh rebecca you are such an accomplished poetess! you have crafted a simple yet beautifully wrought story of a most devoted love. i truly enjoyed your words :)
overeducated twit,
i thought so too. a truly unconditional type of love. thank you for stopping by.
hi jonas,
sounds like the title of a book: love and devotion in just 6000 easy steps. you too can have it! :) many would say, if it were only that easy, right? for some, 6000 steps seems far easier than to navigate its troubled waters....
and it can move mountains....
one more believer,
that is what made the story so beautiful and inspiring... the act of selflessness and unconditional love. thank you for stopping by.
hi robin bird!
thank you for that kind comment! but the story was wrought with beauty by its very kindness, love, compassion, and devotion. the poem could have never been crafted without it.
will come visit later this week,
Just gorgeous...
hi K,
thank you and thank you for visiting and leaving a comment...
A real life "fairy tale" of a love story. And those steps he built are so evocative of the spiritual nature of love between a man and a woman.
Thanks for visiting my blog. I love this post, I'll be back for sure :)
yes, it seems fairy tales still do exist...
thank you for visiting mine! your post was "right on."
wow. thanks for bringing this to light. really, really wonderful piece.
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